Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Favorite Christmas Songs

Musings of a Housewife posted a top ten list of favorite Christmas Songs today. Since I can't concentrate long enough for an intelligible post about anything else, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. So, here are mine:
1. O Holy Night- by just about anyone, I LOVE that song!
2. I Am You Are-by The Martins
3. Hand of Sweet Release-Gaither Vocal Band
4. Do You Hear What I Hear-Vince Gill
5. White Christmas-Bing Crosby (of course--however, I could probably go ahead and round out the list by adding the entire soundtrack to White Christmas which is THE BEST Christmas movie ever made, thank you very much!)
6. Joy to the World-Avalon
Okay, as I am typing this, I just realized a desperate need to update my Christmas music...because beyond music from the cd's previously mentioned, all we have are kids Christmas Music, I will henceforth be mentioning songs from the previous listed artist. Please feel free to leave recommendations for new Christmas albums.
7. Still the Greatest Story Ever Told-Gaither vocal Band
8. Heaven's Child-The Martins
9.Christmas Song-Avalon
10. Let There be Peace On Earth-Vince Gill
Okay, why did I start this? Quite embarrassing, my lack of updated music! So, what are your favorite Christmas songs and PLEASE let me know what my next Christmas music purchase should be...and if it has "for kids" in the title...please, save you typing fingers!


Happy Mommy said...

I love the WOW Christmas CD. It has old and new music. I love Elvis I'll have a Blue Christmas.
Good Morning!

Growin' With It said...

all you had to do was mention vince gill and i melted! i'm not a big fan of his other music, but at christmas...he rocks.

and i'm with you, all the old classics are the ones i enjoy the most. just seems strange to hear bon jovi sing about baby jesus!

Shauna said...

Stopping by to say I hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

Kristin said...

I understand about the kids music. My Christmas albums are kinda outdated too. I've never heard any of Vince Gill's Christmas stuff. We still listen to the Michael W SMith Christmas album every Christmas at my parents house! I do have a few new(er) favs... check out my list!

Heather said...

My new favorite Christmas album is actually put out by the worship team from our church. You can get it on I-tunes and it is called "Arrival"...Do a search for Cross Timbers Community Church and you should be able to locate the album from there. Most of the music is traditional...but there are a couple of original Christmas songs that are great.

My favorites are "Angels we have heard on High" and "It's a Beautiful Night". They also have a great rendition of "O Holy Night"...though to be honest, it pales in comparison to her "live" version.