Friday, January 29, 2010

Coffee Talk 1.29.10

Good morning ladies! I would love to stay and chat awhile...but it is FINALLY Science Fair day. However, we have also been visited by a winter storm and right now it has begun sleeting outside.
We knew the weather was coming and made provisions. I have all of the 5th and 6th grade projects at my house and we are going to get there if we can. However, I am not sure, at this point if we will have judges. I am so sad for our kids, they have worked so hard. On the bright side, if we do cancel, I will have probably two whole days in the house. O glory! That means I might actually get to visit around a little. Hey, I might even go crazy and clean a little!
Small things have been non existent this week. In fact computer time has been non existent. The week has been packed with birthdays and projects and dance and guitar and basketball. Some highlights: We started out new Bible Study by Angela Thomas--week one was phenomenal, and it was just the introduction! My favorite message is from Psalm 45:11 which says, "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is the Lord." Ladies, he is enthralled by YOU! No matter what has happened. What you have done or haven't done. Whether you are loud or shy or too skinny or too heavy. Whether you have read the Bible through or are questioning the love of a God you can't quite grasp...He is enthralled by you. He loves you. He desires you! How exciting is that?
That message was so timely this week as I struggled just to get through. School has been ROUGH! On top of Science fair, FB had a ton of other assignments and both B.B. and Dancer had special "projects" requiring a lot of extra time that will be due next Tuesday. Last minute organizational stuff for Science Fair and life just was crazy. My poor OCD husband has come into a house that looked like a tornado hit every day. Really, I told my Bible Study that you could eat off my floor. Literally. There are enough crumbs, dropped food, etc. down there to make a meal! Not only that but it was Tigerfan's birthday this Wed. and I didn't even have him a present. NOTHING! AND when we took him to lunch it was right after the worst tragedy of the week when Dancer left her completed special project on the floor with a permanent marker. Oh yes, you know what is coming. Tigercub found it and DESTROYED it. Colored almost every square inch with black Sharpee. To say I was distraught is an understatement. And I handled it in a very human way, with weeping and gnashing of teeth. Speaking of gnashing teeth, that same day, Tigercub also bit Dancer. How precious to know that in the chaos that is us, in my failings as a mom and a wife and a teacher, the Author of Life is enthralled by me! By ME!
Okay. I really just meant to hop on here for a minute. I must go finish my nervous breakdown over ice storms and Science Fairs. I hope all of you have a blessed weekend, and if you find time, read Psalm 45:11. I hope to be visiting with you all soon!
For more Coffee Talk go to Homesanctuary!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Coffee Talk 1.22.10

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has had a great week! It has been a whirlwind around here and the next week will prove to be the same! I only have a moment this morning and then the craziness will begin!
We are in the last week before Science Fair. Next Friday is the big day (thank goodness), and then we can all take a big sigh of relief. Before then, we must find a few more judges, finish our project, I must grade my class' projects and we must do all the last minute preparations.
We have the two oldest boys playing in basketball games this weekend and Dancer is cheering in another one.
This is also birthday week around here. My little princess will turn 7 years old tomorrow! I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. I can remember not being willing to believe she was a girl. And then drowning her in pink everything when she really was. Everyone told me with two older brothers she would be a tomboy. And she can hold her own with those boys. But she is as girly as girly comes. My little splash of pretty pink in a world of sports and cars and balls and mud! She loves to read with me, cook with me, and momma Tigercub with me. I am SO grateful that God saw fit to add one little girl to our house of boys!

On Wednesday, we will celebrate Tigerfan's birthday and then next Saturday is my Mother In Law's. It will be a cake extravaganza around here!

I would love to stay and chat longer, but we have school and Science projects, and papers and guitar and dance and a ball game to do today. Somewhere in there, I would like to run...I have talked B.B. into training for a 5K with me, and if I do not go to the grocery store, we are going to have to start stripping wood off furniture to gnaw on.

I hope you have a blessed weekend! I will try to get around to visiting, but I don't know how far I'll get this week! Be sure to go to Home Sanctuary for more Coffee Talk.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook 1.18.10

FOR TODAY January 18, 2010...

Outside my window...It is dark and quiet. I am typing this Sunday night to try to give us a smoother Monday morning...we shall see!

I am thinking...about a new diet plan. I know I need to lose weight and just establish healthier habits. I think I may search for the weight loss Wednesday girls...I need some accountability. I even considered a vegan diet for about 5 minutes this weekend, now THAT is desperate!

I am thankful for...A wonderful weekend with my family. Basketball games with the kids, a date with my hubby and a wonderful day of worship. We are SO blessed in this country!

From the learning rooms...Science Fair, Science Fair and we will probably do a little Science Fair. In between, hopefully a few of the three R's will work there way into the schedule!

From the kitchen...Monday-Whole wheat pasta with turkey sausage and broccoli

Tuesday-Pulled Pork with left over pork chops

The rest of the week has yet to be planned...probably a LOT of salad!

I am wearing...Pajamas--hoping to go to bed soon

I am creating...A plan. I have convinced my 9 year old to train for a 5K with me...couldn't get the 12 year old to commit!

I am work on Science Fair! I am a little obsessed this week!

I am reading...nothing...Science Fair is in two weeks, I do not have time for books, well, except for the Bible and my daily reading, I am doing that...studying the Sermon on the Mount.

I am hoping...Yes, for a smooth Science Fair. Sorry, it is all consuming. But seriously, FB has worked his little tail off for the past three years and has never even placed...deep down (even though we have had yet another less than successful project) I have a little hope for him to place in the top three.

I am hearing...Silence, everyone else is asleep...I hope to be soon!

Around the house...I don't even want to talk about it! Let's just say that if Fly Lady could fly over here it would be much appreciated!

One of my favorite things...going to bed least I THINK it is one of my favorite things. I am sure I enjoyed it at one time and often have plans to try it again. I really think it would be wonderful, that is what they tell me, anyway!

A few plans for the rest of the week:Do you really need to ask?

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Last year's Science Fair project...see the smile, that is because it was the beginning! By the end, the beaker was broken, the weather vane had fallen several times and was bent and FB was SICK of checking the weather!!!

For more daybooks, go to Simple Woman's Daybook.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Coffee Talk 1.15.10

Good Morning, ladies! Come on in and grab a cup of chocolate? Or maybe some nice cool water! That is my drink of choice. For several years I have made myself drink my eight glasses of water before I drink anything else, but lately I have "fallen off the wagon". This week, I have been trying to get back into the habit. I have had some great days and some Diet Coke at 10:00 a.m. days....but I am getting there!

Would you like a Krispy Kreme donut? Tigerfan has been out of town and brought them home as a treat. So far, I have been good and haven't consumed a single one...but I need them out of this house!

I look forward to, hopefully, getting around to everyone and visiting this week. I have hardly even stepped foot into blogland this week. I am BOGGED down with Science Fair, getting Science Fair judges, beginning our new Bible Study, and teaching both my children and my tutorial class. To top it off, Tigerfan has been out of town so I have been a single mother and I have been swamped. Hopefully, this weekend will provide a bit of a rest and some time for a little visitin' although, to be perfectly honest I didn't make it through last week...there were like 66 of us!!!! Which is totally great but I got through about half and then just plumb ran out of time. Hopefully I can make it around this week!

I guess I already told you a bit about the week. But the high/lowlights would be:
  • My new Bible Study. I am going out on a limb and have agreed to facilitate it which, frankly, scares me to death. But I am really excited. At first we were planning to do "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer but due to some issues we ended up choosing one our church already had so we are doing "My Life as a Beautiful Offering" by Angela Thomas. I LOVE Angela Thomas. So, I am looking forward to this study. We met Wed. and I did my testimony, but now must wait two weeks to actually start because of some special programming at church next week.
  • Science Fair. Hmmm, where to begin. I am the greatest advocate of the Science Fair. Until this time of year when projects are about to be due. Then, I HATE SCIENCE FAIR! I do this every year. I get so wrapped up in helping my class, that I put off helping my own child. So, here we are, two weeks away and we haven't even begun. Not to mention the fact that he chose a project that involves piezo? buzzers, soldering irons and audio cables. I can't even read the directions without going HUH?! We have already destroyed one part and must go replace it as well as, apparently purchase a soldering iron because...well, it is a long story! Thankfully, Tigerfan is home...he is doing some science this weekend!
  • Science Fair judges. Okay, I totally deserve this one because way back in the beginning, the Science Fair was my idea. But then it grew and evolved and the high school science teacher, who is organized and "with it" took over. And I let her. Because I am not. She always does all the behind the scenes stuff. Like get judges. Which is really wrong, I should be helping, but she is so GOOD at it. Until this year. She is swamped. She can't do it. So I am. It is KILLING me, people. I have typed emails till my eyes are blurred. I have made phone calls, the office has made phone calls for me. I live, eat and breathe judges. I need about 20. I have 11. Science Fair is two weeks away. Would any of you dear ladies like to travel to TN and judge a science fair? We have a lovely hospitality room, well corner!
  • I have a two year old. I know, most of you already know that. But he is my high AND low light. He is so dadgum cute I can hardly stand it. And he is so naughty that I want to string him up by his toenails. He doesn't like to play with toys, he likes to throw them. His newest favorite playground is our bathtub. He likes to hang upside down over the edge, walk along the side and attempt to jump off, using the faucet as a launch pad. He likes to dump out every bin, puzzle and bookshelf in the house and then throw himself on the floor in a screaming fit when I make him pick them up. He likes the kids to turn movies on for him, but doesn't actually want to watch them...but do not DARE turn it off! He likes to empty the pantry, unroll the toilet paper and draw on school papers. I am too old for a two year old...someone help me!

Well, speaking of that two year old, he is screaming for me to come get him out of bed. Can't wait to visit with ya'll this weekend! Hope you have a blessed one and don't forget to go to Home Sanctuary to check out more Coffee Talk!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook 1.11.10

FOR TODAY January 11, 2010...

Outside my window... a BEAUTIFUL sunrise! The pond is still iced over and above it the sky is layers of orange and blue and gray. It is a beautiful morning, the beginning of a great week...I hope!

I am thinking... about my middle son. He is so funny, he has kept us laughing all weekend. My favorite from yesterday; while discussing his papaw, "Momma, there is one thing I have learned about Papaw over the years (he is nine)...he doesn't ask!"

I am thankful for... a God who is bigger than our circumstances. I have been reading Isaiah 40...what beautiful verses to help wrap your mind around who God is. He can measure the waters of the earth in the palm of His hand. He has measured the Heavens with the breadth of His hand. The nations are like a drop in the bucket and the islands like fine dust. That is a great God. I really like the words of verses 13 and 14:

"Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counselor? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding?"

I love those words because so often, I try to "help God out" I try to fix things for Him or give him suggestions on how to handle situations. Guess what...he DOESN'T NEED ME! I find such rest in that. I really can just let Go and give it to God...He has it under control!

From the learning rooms... Just a normal day around here. Getting back on schedule after a slow week last week. On the top of the priority list: Science Fair Project MUST GET DONE!!!

From the kitchen... Pork Chops, brown rice and salad???

I am wearing... P.J.'s. Don't judge me! We still don't have heat upstairs and the children are sleeping on my exercise floor! Just because I am not mourning that fact doesn't mean I wouldn't do it if I could!

I am creating...a list of judges for our Science Fair. Anyone wanna sign up?

I am hopefully stay home all day. The kids need to go to the library, but I am hoping to put that off until later in the week! I have lots to get done to make up for our computer being down for 3 days!

I am reading...Isaiah 40, and "Esther, Reflections From and Unexpected Life" by Jennifer Spivey. Also still trying to reread "Power of a Positive Mom"

I am hoping... to begin a new Bible Study soon...waiting for the books to come in.

I am hearing...Silence, even the computer is running super quiet since we cleaned all the dust out of it...huh, who knew you were supposed to do that!

Around the house...the kitchen needs straightening and the laundry needs done...but will have to wait because our water heater is once again frozen...No heat, no hot water--I might as well be Amish!

One of my favorite things...Weekends like the one we just had. Lots of family time, although much of it spent at basketball games, quiet evenings at home and good worship!

A few plans for the rest of the week:well, let's see. I still need to mail those Christmas packages (no that is not a typo), Finish assembling Science Fair judges, help FB with his science fair project, dance, cheerleading, ball practice, church, handbells, children's choir...just another week!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Our little comdeian, obviously quite proud of his cookie decorating...which consisted of putting a nose on a reindeer...he has a future, people! Remember that face!

For more Daybooks, got to The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Coffee Talk 1.8.10

Good Morning, ladies. I hope all finds you well this morning! Grab a soda or some chocolate milk and get comfy!

Anyone experiencing the predicted fierce winter conditions that we have been warned about? Schools around here are closed for the second day...but that is about the only evidence of winter storms! It is far colder around here than normal, but other than a light layer of white across the pond...we've got nothing!

Let's see, this week started with me all ready to embrace the new year! I bounded (okay, drug) myself out of bed Monday morning, exercised and ate a nice healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then I ate a Twix at about 9:00 (after the kids went to know, so I could enjoy it without sharing!). The rest of the week was downhill from there. I wrote about it here if you want to glory in my weakness. On the upside, I have now consumed pretty much every fattening thing in the house, so NOW I can get busy losing weight!

I also did something totally out of the ordinary and volunteered to facilitate a Bible Study for our ladies group on Wed. nights. Out of the ordinary because, despite the fact that I have been meeting with these ladies for YEARS now, I still cannot even bring myself to say one sentence in the class...and I have now volunteered to lead it! Hmmmmmm. I am really excited, though and totally terrified! We are going to do the study "Living Your Life as Beautiful Offering" by Angela Thomas. I have never done any of her Bible Studies but I LOVE her books! I had even thought about opening it up to ladies online to see if they wanted to join us and link up with your thoughts, etc. Sounds fun, right? Only I actually don't have too many regular readers AND the online folks wouldn't be able to do the video portion of the study, so I don't know. The thought is good, though!

In other news, I think the main computer we use has crashed...I am almost going into convulsions just thinking about it! There is power to all its components, but it will not even turn on. We have this lap top, so at least I can still get my Company Girl fix. But we have probably 7 years of pictures on that computer and because we are negligent little photographers only a portion of them are backed up. It makes me sick to even think about it. In fact, I was going to show you some holiday pictures this morning...but that will have to wait. Tigerfan says he thinks they can be recovered even if the computer is dead. Is it wrong to pray he is right? I think I will lose it if we lose all those pictures!

I have been terrible with small things this week, although, I guess you could say I have been creating sanctuary my own way. I have done lots of "to do's " that have been stressing me out and worked a little ahead and done some planning to make things go smoother. I have also made two meals out of my new cookbook, "Cook Yourself Thin". One was REALLY good, a meatless pasta dish that we would totally eat whether we were trying to be good or not. The other was turkey burgers. They were actually okay, but they had no condiments on fact the recipe said to use avocados to replace the salad dressing and because I am a rule follower, I totally did that. But I must say, it wasn't the same. The sandwiches tasted alright, but were really dry and while we (literally) choked them down, it is not a go to meal that I would eat all the time. I think this is the problem I have with "eating right" as much as I would like to say I LOVE healthy food. I don't. I love sugar, I love creamy meals, I love carbs. I do like my green smoothies but there are times that I just don't want to stop and blend everything up and there are times I don't have the ingredients. I really just wish that the healthy foods tasted better, or that I could train myself to like them better, or that you really could lose weight in a healthy way, on a chocolate diet!

Okay, last thing. I have been trying to "rename" my kids online. Their nicknames aren't really appropriate anymore. I am still happy with husband (Tigerfan) and baby (Tigercub) and thought I would stick with that theme since we pretty well bleed purple and gold around here. For my oldest boy, I think I like Techno tiger, cause he is all about the computers and computer animation these days. And for our daughter, I could just go with Tigress (a beautiful mix of tiger and princess) but I have nothing for middle son...any suggestions?

Anyway, I better go teach some kids. Being home an extra day, you would think we had finished most of our schooling...but mommy was distracted so we have lots to get done today! Have a blessed weekend! Can't wait to visit with ya'll! Join all of us in Coffee Talk at Home Sanctuary.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I know...I said I was going to get back on track. I said I would start exercising again. I said I would start eating right. I said I would start yesterday. And I totally did!

But, you see, there is all this delicious chocolate sitting around the house calling me. Mocking me, really. A smaller person (and yes, I mean in size) would say get rid of it. Give it away. Throw it away. Share it with your children. But a true chocoholic would NEVER consider such atrocities. There is really only one solution. Eat it. Eat it all. Eat it quickly. As soon as it is gone, the temptation will be removed and the whole eating right thing can start again. So I'm not really cheating on my diet...I am preparing for success!

And as for the exercise. I totally plan to do it! Really. But I stayed up really late last night doing chores. And it was REALLY cold in our room this morning because our heating unit is still not working. And I just couldn't get out of that warm toasty bed into the frigid morning air! And when nature called and forced me out...well then I had to get ready for tutorial...I can't be late the first day back. And then there is the whole decision of what to do. Our treadmill died and as much as I want to commit to her, I just can't handle Jillian at 5 a.m. I tried...I can't. I have done a few Sparkpeople workouts but every day and they start to get dull. And if you think I am getting my ever growing rump outside and starting to jog or run in these frigid temperatures, well, you need to go eat a little chocolate until you come to your senses! Is it really MY fault that God didn't give me the love for physical exertion that he gave some?

I say we band together. There was a time in history that plumpness was beautiful. Look at all the fine art. Do you see skinny little ladies starving themselves? I think not. They are plump beauties enjoying the finer things. Will you join me in the cause? You know the old saying: Thin may be in, but fat is where it's at! Embrace it, my fellow bloggers, embrace it!

Interestingly, all these portly women seemed to have been painted, well, without clothing! I was going to include a picture of a voluptuous beauty of old, but it is most difficult to find one who is also dressed. I do not recommend we go this far, ladies. Clothing is my friend and the camouflage for many unfortunate results of chocoholic binges gone bad. Since this is a family friendly site and since I promised Tigerfan this would be a quick post, a picture will NOT be included. Use your imagination. Or Google. You decide! And feel free to indulge in a little something while you do!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey Good Lookin' Whatcha Got Cookin'?

Thought I'd catch all the friends and fam up on some holiday activities. I am fully aware that the holidays are, in fact, over but in my usual time managed challenged self way, I haven't actually shared much. So today, we will discuss holiday baking.

I think we have previously established that my love of baking and consuming said baked products has led to a very unhollywood like figure. I just can't seem to resist and while I haven't seemed to pass that love of all things baked on to Boys 1 or 2, I am working hard to convert the youngest of the clan. As you can see, they are quite helpful.

In case you can't tell from these pictures, Tigercub has learned "cheese" and is actually quite accomplished at it. When the lens opens, the grin starts!

As you can see, I am training him well in the consumption of Christmas confections. If you happened to have partaken of those not worry. He had his own stash, own knife own baby slobber was added to public cookies!
And finally, we have the before and after. It may not look like much, but about half way into that pile, everyone is tired of frosting and the silliness begins. Because we are a family friendly blog, I chose not to share the anatomically correct gingerbread men designed by Tigerfan, but you are also missing out on the breast cancer awareness cookie he designed and placed near them! I am pretty sure we will not get our cookies on the cover of a magazine or anything...but Santa has never turned them down!

This week, I am trying to rid myself of holiday sweets and start working off the effects of calorie overload. I started off great. Exercised this morning, watched my calories and even kept track of them online. I have a week's menu planned full of hopefully delicious recipes from my new "Cook Yourself Thin" cookbook and I was very good at the grocerry store and stuck to my list even avoiding my true love, the Oops we baked to much rack! That is until about 9:00 when the effects of getting back into a routine hit and I decided to reward myself with a Twix and a Diet much for exercise. However, on the bright side, that is one less caloric treat to lure me away from low calorie success. Oh well, there is always tomorrow! Unfortunately there is also still a Snickers bar and a muffin Tigerfan put in my stocking...I mean, it would be rude to let them go to waste, right?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook 1.5.10

FOR TODAY January 4, 2010...
Outside my window...The sun is just starting to come out. Very still and quiet...and COLD!!!!

I am thinking...about getting back into a routine with school. I did not accomplish all I planned over the break and I am not as prepared as I had hoped. Thank goodness for a pretty easy week!

I am thankful church and my pastor. He preached two really simple but really encouraging sermons yesterday and I am really encouraged and equipped now!

From the learning rooms...Ugh! Getting back to routine. I am not ready! However, we will be starting back, like it or not and I am trying to implement a little more of the workbox system. I have several center/review activities ALMOST for a magic spell that will stop time so I can finish preparing!

From the kitchen...I have no earthly idea. In a perfect world I would have finished my menu planning, gone to the store and been well stocked with healthy, delicious snacks. In the real world there is no menu plan, no groceries and no time to do it! Time management fairy, where are you?

I am wearing...Workout clothes, and yes, I used them!

I am creating...centers, centers, centers

I am try to embrace the fruit of gentleness today. That is our topic in our Fruits of the Spirit Bible Study right now and I am really good at it, until I get mad, which will probably be within 15 minutes of the children getting up! My goal today is to stop every time I start getting riled up and say our memory verse before reacting!

I am reading...Isaiah 40

I am hoping...For a calm day of learning. Hoping to ease back into our schedule with minimum drama.

I am hearing...The sound of the heating unit. Which I really appreciate because upstairs, we have no heat...again. Ah, the joys of home ownership!

Around the house...Laundry to be done and groceries to be purchased. Thankfully, most of the house is in order after deChristmasing.

One of my favorite things...Chocolate, I will miss my daily encounters with you as I get back on my eating healthy kick. But don't worry, I am scheduling in some special time with you Thursday evening!

A few plans for the rest of the week:Starting back with a bang--Tutorial, dance, basketball and cheer leading practice, basketball and cheer leading games, guitar, church, wonder I am already missing the lazy days of Christmas!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

This years Sunday before Christmas picture! I love it because the looks say it all! FB (oldest) is cooperative and helpful, BB (Next boy) is full of mischief, Dancer (Only girl...poor thing) is just sweet as pie, and Tigercub is FULL OF HIMSELF!

Hope everyone has a great 1st full week of the new year!

Check out more Daybooks at The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Coffee Talk

Good Morning Company Girls! I am posting from my bedroom this morning as I hide out with Tigercub trying to keep him quiet while the rest of the house sleeps...not an easy task! If you stop by later in the day I can offer you some home made cinnamon rolls and even some coffee. I know, if you have been around here long you know we don't drink coffee, but my brother does and I even purchased a new coffee pot for the occasion---so drink up, when he is gone, so is the coffee.

I have missed Coffee Talk like crazy, it seems much longer than just two weeks. Hopefully everyone had a blessed holiday season!

It has been a whirlwind around here with Christmas and Tigerfan's sister and family visiting and now my adopted (sort of) brother and his family visiting. There hasn't been a dull or restful moment, but it has definitely been action packed!

Don't forget to stop by Home Sanctuary for more Coffee Talk!

Sometime this week I hope to begin loading some pictures, but I am on the laptop today and don't have them on this computer. As for this weekend, we will spend today with my brother and his family and with Tigerfan's parents. His daddy was a New Year's baby so along with celebrating The New Year, we will celebrate his birthday. I am sure there will also be lots of light saber fights between my boys and my nephews and hopefully a little peace in there somewhere, although I am not holding my breath!

As for all the productive plans I had for the holidays...let's see: Reorganizing school room-not done, Planning out January's menu-not done, helping FB complete his science fair project-not even begun, preparing centers and activities to keep Dancer and Tigercub busy on school days-not done...well, I guess you can give me consistency!

I did get the linen closet cleaned out and organized and I have great plans in my head for the rest of the house, maybe a few of them will see daylight! So, how about you? Did you have a productive break and are you all organized for the new year? Can't wait to hear from and visit you all, it will probably take me most of the weekend to get around to everyone, but I will do my best to get by! For now, HAPPY 2010, praying for a year of blessings!