Monday, October 12, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook 10.12.09

FOR TODAY October 12, 2009

Outside my window...The sun is not up yet. a couple of streetlights shining and a small light glowing through the woods from the next house over.

I am water! I don't appreciate what I have until I don't have it. We are now on day 4 of no water heater and I continue to be amazed at how much we rely on that thing. Laundry, dishes, showers, washing our face. I am beginning to think the life of the Amish isn't all it is cracked up to be! :)

I am thankful for...In-laws who live close. After one experience trying to "spit bath" in freezing well water, I sure do appreciate going to my in-law's house and showering in warm water. Saturday, I decided to bathe the kids at home rather than bugging Papaw again. After boiling 7 pots of water only to go return to the tub and find they had all drained out, we decided on bugging Papaw again. He was SO gracious...imagine our not so quiet family of six intruding on his peaceful, football watching Saturday evening!

From the learning rooms...One child down, he is hanging out with a buddy who is on Fall Break. Hopefully today will be an easy school day and then they can get a "life lesson" as they help, okay watch, as a new hot water heater is installed. (Please let it be today, please let it be today, please let it be today)!

From the kitchen...Well, that is a good question. We have eaten out far too much this weekend, definitely don't need to spend the money. But clean up is a pain...again with the hot water! It involves boiling water, washing by hand...okay, I am spoiled! Anyway...I am not sure. But I promise to feed my family. Something!

I am wearing...pajamas...hey, I can't take a shower yet!

I am creating...Christmas lists...only two and half months till the big day, yikes!

I am going...well, probably to the grocery store and to Nana and Papaw's to wash underclothes. I have been washing most stuff in cold, but I just can't bring myself to wash underclothes in cold! Since we are about to run out, I'm heading over there, maybe we can sneak in some showers, too.

I am Bible, that is it, no time for more.

I am have a lovely new water heater installed by day's end. We have decided (probably) to go with a tankless heater. It is more expensive in the beginning, but there is a pretty good tax incentive and it is supposed to save quite a lot on your energy bill. AND, you never run out of hot water...I may take a two hour shower before the evening is through!

I am hearing...the hum of the computer. Okay, it is really more like a groan. I have a sneaky suspicion this little guy may be the next thing to kick the bucket around here.

Around the house...Laundry and dishes. They have been piling up...hopefully today will be the day we get back under control!

One of my favorite things...C'mon, you know what is coming! HOT WATER!!!

A few plans for the rest of the week:Post office, tutorial, gymnastics, guitar, baseball and Saturday we have to choose between a Hayride party and an engagement party. Why is it you have no social life and then everything is planned at the same time?

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Tigercub "helping" with pledges. He LOVES to hold the "Bibo"!
Have a great week and check out The Simple Woman's Daybook for more Daybooks!


Trina said...

You poor thing, I feel you long for HOT WATER in your post. I pray you get it TODAY. Have a blessed week.

Kim said...

I hope you get to take a two hour long HOT shower soon! Have a great week.

Tammy said...

Wow, hope you get that water heater soon!

Anonymous said...

I went through something similar a couple of weeks ago but it was only me who was inconvenienced. I think we need to have similar things happen occasionally just so we realize how blessed we are.
Your week can only get better from here.
Mama Bear

Growin' With It said...

make sure that first shower you get is a NICE LONG ONE! poor thing!

LISA said...

Oh my, I would not do well without hot water. This is THE reason we camp with bath houses, I'm too old to go primitive.
We have a tankless hot water and I LOVE it. You will be so happy.
Here's wishing you that two hour shower with all the hot water you can stand.
Have a great week...

Arlene said...

Sure hope you get that water heater today! And early! Love the music on your blog. Enjoyed your daybook. Have a blessed week.

The Man Crew said...

OH Hot water is one of my favorite things, too! After living for 7 weeks without it a few years ago...I feel your pain! Hope your water heater comes soooooon! Enjoy that long shower! Thanks for sharing your daybook!

Anonymous said...

Oh I do hope you have your tank! It is so amazing how dependant we are on modern conveniences. Our microwave went our a year or so ago and you would have thought the end of the world was near. I think I'd much rather do without a microwave than a hot water heater! Hang in there!

Lainie said...

Every time I take a shower I thank the Lord for hot water... I so appreciate your loss. I hope it comes back soon.

Just a little FYI the menu plan and baking came after a significant menu planning breakdown! I'm just getting my "groove" back :)

Enjoy your week-- even without the hot H2O.

The First Lady said...

I hope you get your HOT shower back soon. Have a wonderfully blessed week!

dtbrents said...

So wonderful your son loves the Bible. I hope you have a great week. Doylene

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

I believe that ya'll lead the most exciting life, there's never a dull moment. Bless your heart! Can't wait to read the next blog and hear about the new hot water heater.

MrsMomma said...

Oh my! My Hot water heater burst last week. I know exactly how you feel! We are right now in the middle of renovations from the water damage. *sigh*

Hope you had a wonderful week! Sorry I'm just now stopping by, but as you probably know, it's been a little chaotic around here. Thanks for stopping by my blog!