Good Morning Ladies, I missed our "talks" last week. Hope everyone had a great weekend and has had a nice week this week!
Grab yourself a Diet Soda and a doughnut and have a seat. I hope this post finds you doing well.
We have had a good week here in the Tigerden. Last week was plagued with sickness, although a trip to the Dr. said it wasn't the flu. By week's end, everyone in the house except Football Boy and me had fallen prey to the bug. However, based on what I have heard from others, we did get lucky because each person only felt awful about 3 days and were then able to get back into the swing of things. Most folks around here have been down for close to a week, so I guess we can't complain!
This week has been a catch up week. Monday we got the privilege of hosting a long lost friend for a few hours. Back in "the day" he, my sister, another buddy and I were tight! We called ourselves the "couch quartet" and spent many hours together watching senseless movies and just having a great time together. I don't think I have seen him since my younger sister got married...twelve years ago! We reconnected on Facebook about a year ago, how fun is that? Anyway, he and his family have purchased a motor home and have been on the "Freedom and Liberty" tour travelling the United States and visiting landmarks, historical places, and Disney (of course). We caught them on their way home and had a lovely visit. Baseball boy is now asking for a motor home for Christmas. I really think he wants one to travel around town in. Bunk beds with DVD players, a refrigerator stalked with food and a bathroom...that is the life!
The rest of the week has been pretty quiet and normal. Until last night. If you know the Tigerden very well, you will know that Thursdays are "date night" for Tigerfan and I. The kids are swept off to bed by 8:00, all our doings get done and at 9:00, we turn on House Hunters, pop popcorn and hang out with a soda and peanut M&M's. I don't even know when this tradition started, but it is SACRED! I don't even cook supper on Thursdays, I fix the kids a "quickie" meal and we don't eat...because that would ruin the popcorn, of course!
However, last night, Tigerfan came in and mowed the yard. When he got close to the house, he noticed water standing around the foundation. He wondered about it, but was anxious to come in. He showered up, we got the kids in bed and turned on the tube. We popped the corn and began indulging. But he kept thinking about that water. So, when the first episode ended and before we got started on the REAL bounty...M&M's, he decided to go check under the house.
Now, if you have read for any length of time, you know that we have had some plumbing issues this year. 7 or 8 to be exact. We have spent a lot of time and money replacing pipes, cleaning up water damage and we still have a hole in the ceiling while we wait to replace our leaky bathtub (which, on a side note, has become a wonderful storage facility for blankets and sleeping bags that I want to hide from Baseball Boy so he will sleep in his bed and not on my bedroom floor!).
Anywhoo, I think you can see where this is going. When he got under the house, he found himself standing in at least 2 inch deep water that covered the entire bottom of the house and the water heater was just pouring water out steadily. We are not sure how long this has been going on...obviously a while judging by the amount of standing water. To make it worse, we have a water source heat pump, which means that the water heater is literally under the house to prevent freezing in the winter. At some point, some owner poured a deck, covering up part of the access hole. So, in order to replace the heater, we will have to totally re-plumb and move the heater to the garage OR cut a new hole in the side of the house that is big enough to get the water heater out and a new one in. Good times! I must say, I am proud of Tigerfan because he didn't have a heart attack right there on the spot. However, if any one sees Ty Pennington or any other member of the Extreme Home Makeover team, we could really use them over here. I have never really been a camping girl, but right now a nice tent and porta potty would at least not be a money pit!
Hope everyone has a great weekend, and if you see a plumber, feel free to send him our way! Be sure to check out Home Sanctuary for more Coffee Talk!
How great to reconnect with an old friend! I'm happy for you. My husband and I enjoy our weekly movie nights at home too. Glad to hear your family is recovering. Have a good weekend! -Julia
Oh my...I really hate it when things go wrong in the house...major ones like your flooding...I'm so sorry,...I do hope you find an easier solution than the ones you mentioned! Thank you for your kind wishes for my family and if you want to pray abt my son that is so angry that would be wonderful.....and you're right, us Canadians don't have the big shopping bash the day after.... :0)
Sorry to hear about the not-so-great unexpected surprises. Something's going around because a lot of people have been updating their FB with "I'm sick" statuses. =( Isn't it a great place to reconnect though. I'm glad you enjoy some time with your friend. Hope the plumbing issues get resolved soon. That is definitely not fun. Have as good a weekend as you can with the water heater issue.
I'm so sorry to hear about the water. I can definitely relate to one thing being fixed only for another thing to break! I hope that you are able to resolve the situation without putting too much of a dent in your finances.
Hang in there!
Oh. My. Word. I am so sorry to hear about your house troubles. I ache with you... Praying for you...
I do know a great plumber but he's at my house right now. Unbelievable! Your post could be my post. (Check mine out at Home Sanctuary).
So sorry about your plumbing issues. It can be discouraging. Hang in there. I keep reminding myself that the Lord knows...and has it all covered.
Funny that you mentioned "Money Pit", I've been talking about that movie all day today myself. The joys of home-ownership. ((SIGH))
So happy you all are well and over the yucks.
And hopefully we will have a Tiger win to celebrate tomorrow. We are going to our plumber's house for dinner and to watch the game. He is a Gator guy. Could be interesting!
My kids have an LSU flag hanging from the garage, an LSU chair in the garage, two LSU car magnets on either side of the van, a helmet magnet on the back of the van, and my son offered our plumber some popcorn from an LSU bowl. I think he bellowed something about charging us extra for the working conditions.
Praying your plumbing issues are resolved quickly. Have a great weekend!
Oh, wow! So sorry for your plumbing issues. We had a broken pipe on our outside faucet AND a leaking toilet this week. Nothing compared to your issues but it must be plumbing problem time cause everyone seems to be having problems to one extent or another! I hope you are able to get it fixed with a minimal amount of trouble and money spent.....
Aren't the prices ridiculous? Who would pay so much for a solid basic top? Anyhow, I decided to treat myself for once because I never shop for myself...like today I bought Melody 3 pairs of shoes, but none for myself, although I did buy a wallet/clutch (because I haven't had one in almost a decade). I don't know how stores justify charging so much for clothes.
Goodness, I have never heard of one family having so many plumbing issues. Not even over a lifetime!! You seem to be handling it a lot better than I would. Plumbing is just about the worse, but I do realize that "in the scheme of life, it certainly could be worse." Hope it's a happy week-end for ya'll and know there will be some LSU football going on at ya'lls place tonight.
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