Good Morning, Ladies! I have some homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to offer you this morning. That is about it. We are going out of town tomorrow so the cupboards are a little bare. But the cookies are delicious and if you wait around till this afternoon, you can indulge in some homemade fudge as well! The first batch of the holidays!
I hope this week has found everyone doing well. It has been a bit of a rough one for us. It started out with Baseball Boy being sick, now Dancer has it and Tigercub is showing signs. Not a great start for an out of town trip but we are hoping for a miracle!
Poor little Dancer has missed bunches this week. Dance class Tuesday, church Wednesday, her tutorial Thanksgiving party AND one of her best friends' birthday party and now it looks as if she will miss acrobats tonight...the whole reason we decided to wait to leave until tomorrow. I'm not sure if she feels worse because she is sick or because she keeps missing out on festivities.
Somehow today, I have to get the oil changed and tires rotated on my vehicle, get the boys' haircut and not expose the rest of the town to Dancer's germs.
In other goings on, Football boy had his "Rock Band" concert last night. After sitting through a recital of about 16 songs such has "Mary Had a Little Lamb", "Frere Jacques", and "Ode to Joy" from the students at the Music Store where he takes lessons, we were treated to two concerts. F.B.'s band played "Shake It Up" by the Cars, "Use Somebody" by someone, and "Beat It" by Michael Jackson. They were really good! Even Tigercub enjoyed it. He was as entertaining as the musicians! The last song before the bands came up was by a guitar student. Tigercub had started to slow down a bit, as it was an hour past his bedtime...then this boy came up and started playing "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath. Tigercub came alive. Apparently, he has a bit of Rock Star in him, cause the boy got down! He clapped and bounced and bobbed that head! during the break between bands my FIL got up for a little break. Tigerfan started waving and calling "Bye, Bye Papaw...Bye!" It is a good thing he is cute!
As for tasks this week. Rachel has been kind and simple! My phones are sparkling. My sock drawer is organized and my bedroom lamps have not a lick of dust. I know...you are thinking, wait, we were supposed to dust the lamps? The answer is no, no we weren't. HOWEVER, as I was cleaning my sock explosion, I happened to notice a little dust on the lamp. So I ran my hand across the base and thought, OH MY! So, I grabbed a nearby wet wipe and cleaned it up. Only as I worked up, I noticed all the dust on the shade. Well, I couldn't leave such a dusty shade on a sparkling base, so I began dusting that as well. OY...I don't know if I have ever cleaned those things! After working on that lamp, I noticed its dingy twin across the room and I couldn't leave it in dusty squalor so I had to give it the same treatment. Because really, I have nothing but time and dusty lampshades on my hands! Anyway...My room is probably much brighter, my sock drawer is nice and organized and the world has been made free of several pairs of tasteless holiday socks that NEVER should have made their way into a retail establishment!
I can only imagine what a few more days locked in the house with sick children could do!
Well, I need to go feed kids, pack, do school, change to oil....have a wonderful weekend and a FABULOUS Thanksgiving! and don't forget to check out Home Sanctuary for more Coffee Talk!
Oh, I'm so sorry your kids have been sick...that's the worst for sure....I also spent an afternoon this week at the mechanics while they put new tires on, refreshed thed transmission and changed the oil...then of course they had to find out that my front brakes needed changing and the alignment done..thank goodness for Visa...it always seems that way for us...you go to the mechanic for one thing and end up paying for 5! Hope you get away this wknd!
Oooohhhhhh - thank you for the cookies. Cookies for breakfast are just perfect. I may just stick around (if you dont mind) for the fudge - mmmm. Love fudge!
Hoping your miracle comes and your kids are up & at it soon and that you enjoy your weekend.
I will pray that your little Dancer gets well soon and that your trip is germ free!
What an awesome concert (and dance show!) Thank you for painting the picture for us!
Good luck with your "to do" list. Don't forget to feed yourself (that is the one thing I forget to do when rushing around like mad. Everyone else gets to eat, but seems like I never sit down myself...)
I am so jealous that you got the small things done! They really were small and great but I STILL couldnt' get them done because i was sick! Speaking of which, I am so sorry to hear about yoru kids being sick! I am not sure which is worse- kids or mommy being sick. either one is no fun! Have fun over thanksgiving!
You have been so good to get your small things done!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Star, Thank you for you sweet words over at Rachel's. You all are just so precious!
Wow, I can so relate with the sick household. This too shall pass. I'll be praying it does pass quickly.
I'll also be praying that you have the extra added strength to get through your day! Whew! I need a nap after reading your to-do list girl!
The concert sounds like a lot of fun. You've got some talent in you fam!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Safe travels too!
I'm so impressed that you were able to do all the small things this week! It's so funny how doing so many little things really add up to be a big thing :)
Have a fantastic trip!
Sorry to hear that Dancer is sick and had to miss so much. =( Reminds me when I had the chicken pox during my 6th birthday. Such is life. Oh well. Hope you get to all your to-dos today. We need to bring the car in for the big maintenance check too. The concert sounded like fun. And good for you for getting a few Small things done, and then some!
I really had to laugh about your lamps...it seems like that's how I clean, too. Start with one thing, then notice something completely different...well, I love it when Small Things spill over into other things!
My sock drawer was the easiest thing of all this week...mostly because all my socks were in the laundry so there was little to do. Now, my underthings drawer....'nuther story.
The rock songs have a way of inspiring a love of music! Kids really get into it when they can rock out on the good stuff. sounds like you've got a baby rocker... too cute!
I hope you have safe travels today and everyone is feeling better (especially little Dancer.) The concert sounded like a lot of fun! Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Oh! I do hope that the kiddos were all well and ya'll were in good shape to leave today. Blessings to you and your sweet family this Thanksgiving. We'll be rocking and rolling around here for sure with 2 babies and 6 adults. Yikes!
Sorry to hear about the sick family. We've gone through our share of kleenex here this week, for sure.
It's snowing here today. I just bundled up the kids to go out and play. That makes up for not being able to go to church due to nasty road conditions.
I might just make some fudge myself today instead of birthday cake. Today is my birthday and we have so many birthdays in November that I'm sure the family wouldn't mind something a little different to celebrate! :)
Have a great upcoming week and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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