In all honesty, it has been another challenging one here at the Tigerden.
I am praying that things will come together soon and we will begin to have some not awful days. Right now, I am just trying to be thankful for not awful moments.
I would like to offer a couple of pictures up for your viewing enjoyment. They pretty much sum up our situation recently.
These are pictures of the latest chapter in our plumbing drama. This is what our school room looked like yesterday after Dancer and her friend decided to "swim" in the master bathtub and run the jets. In hindsight, after the past 4 months of plumbing disasters, I should have just said no.
In case you are not privy to the "flood" of excitement we have had, let me give you a brief update. Since the Wednesday before Easter we have replaced the plumbing in the downstairs bathroom, the main outside hydrant, under the kitchen sink. We had a leak in the air conditioner and when the repairman was looking for it, he found another in the hot water heater. We had to replace a switch on the pump for our well. We thought we were finished, I mean, what else could possibly leak, right?
And then, a couple of weeks ago, the water dispenser in the refrigerator started to leak. Now, I thought that was odd, because we turned the water off to the refrigerator a couple of years ago when the water dispenser decided to run non-stop. So the fact that it suddenly began leaking again was a bit perplexing. We called our friendly neighborhood plumbing expert. It wasn't caused by a leak in the water dispenser, although there was one, but a leak in the valve in the wall. So, Monday, we had the plumbing behind the refrigerator replaced! On a positive note, we now have running water and ice out of our freezer again! Yay!
And then...I let the girls swim in the tub. A couple of hours later, baseball boy was in the school room and said, "Mom--what are those big bumps on the ceiling?" I came to investigate and saw the bulging sheet rock. Knowing what was coming, I decided to check it out, got the step stool and with one gentle poke...was flooded with bubbly bath tub water!
However, we now cannot find the leak...we have run tons of water...not even a drip. Perhaps it was from running the jets, I don't know. I guess we will just have to call the plumber!
So, here's hoping you all have a nice, dry weekend!
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