Friday, March 6, 2009


I am typing something that I thought would be pretty easy. Until I began to do it. I know it is a little late in the game, but our pastor has asked us to "fast" from something for 40 days. It was SUPPOSED to begin March 1, but I have been being rebellious, I guess. I really have been praying trying to discern what I should fast from. And the answer has been blogging. I spend entirely too much time laboring over what I could, should, want to blog about, hopping around on other blogs and commenting in a million places trying to up my readership...though it totally doesn't work!

Anyway, I have known what I should be doing...but kept hoping for a different hasn't come! Don't give up on me...I'll be back in 40, okay actually 34 days.

I'll still be checking in to Home Sanctuary for my daily "small thing" and all my dearest blogging friends will be in my thoughts...I won't be blogging with you...but think of all the time I'll have to pray for you!

Really! So, if you have something you want me to be praying for, you can email me at otherwise, I'll see you after Easter.

God bless!


secondofwett said...

Hope you enjoy the break! Hopefully you'll be able to use the extra time for what the Lord wants you to do....not that He doesn't want you to blog...but, oh you know what I mean! Have a good one...or 34!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Understood..and I think it takes a real heart for God to give up our own pleasures..He will bless u!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time off, we'll miss you for coffee. Hope you have a chance to listen to His voice and seek what He wants from you. See you next month then.

CindyC said...

I hope your time off is one of renewal and refreshing!

Michelle said...

Your post today was inspiring. Not being Catholic,I don't usually give up something for the lent season. However, you are now the second person who has inspired me to consider doing so. My friend encouraged me with this thought:every time she considers reaching for that thing she gave up, she stops to think about what Christ sacrificed for us. How meaningful! You have my support and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Quite accidentally I took a break from blogging for just over two months - if you don't count the post after one month just to say I was away.

I pray God will use this time to lay on your heart the words He wants you to say when you return.

Rachel Anne said...

What a great thing to do. I know the Lord will honor it. Being part of a "nontraditional" church makes me wish we did a bit more with the church calendar and traditions because we really miss out on a lot. God bless you for the next 40 days!

ps does your break from blogging also mean a break from commenting?? I'll miss you :)

Reese said...

Good luck to you! I should probably fast from blogging as well

Les & Sweetie Berry said...

Glad to know why you'll be away...and I will pray for you each morning as I post...and the post itself will remind me!

Will you pray for A Joyful Place Called Home...the ministry that Les and I have been directed by God to go more formally with this much to much to share with other step and blended families and the churches that try to serve their needs!
hugs, hugs hugs!

mholgate said...

Good for you! May God bless you richly as you seek Him during this time! : )

Anonymous said... will be missed! what a great challenge though! i totally get what you are saying. i begin typing one thing, comtemplate on what else i should say and sometimes feel guilty for not having a post.

enjoy your little break!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Well, here I am and now I get to read this! Serves me right!
I'm so FAR behind on reading blogs.
I need to post what happened to me as I haven't done that yet either, of course by the time you get to read it, it'll be OLD news by then!
I'll miss you and your comments.
Sacrafice brings blessings.
Have a good break! I'll still be around when you get back!
Hugs to you! ♥

Aimee said...

I felt the same thing about closing comments at my place. The voice of God was so clear to me about that.

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you at Easter!! :)

Growin' With It said...

aww man, look at this...i was gone a few days and you've LEFT ME?! and left me for G.O.D.? hahah. i truly admire you lady and this just puts the cherry on top of how awe struck i am in you, your family and your love for the Lord. counting down til you can "play" again soon.

Growin' With It said...

just wanted you to know i'm missing ya! "see" ya soon.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Just dropping by to say hi!
Missing you! ♥