Friday, April 30, 2010

Coffee Talk 4.30.10

Good Morning! Hope everyone is doing well this morning! All is well in the Tigerden. I have been experimenting in the kitchen this week and made some vegan chocolate chip cookies. They were pretty good! I will probably continue to seek out the perfect recipe...because the times I will allow myself to indulge in such a treat will be few so I want it to be REALLY worth it!

As far as the diet goes, I have kind of plateaued at about 10 pounds...a little frustrating, but I feel really good and eventually I really hope to get back into some regular exercise and kick start it back up again. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical when I began this diet. While I know several people who have done it, they all had health issues. I really just wanted to lose weight, which is why it took me so long to jump on board. I mean give up cheese and milk and EVERYTHING! Well, it hasn't been that hard and I have lost weight. But I also realized this week that I have not had a single headache since I began this diet. Not one. Not even my monthly hormonal headache. NOTHING! I have done nothing else other than change my eating habits and for the first time in forever I didn't even have a twinge of discomfort! That speaks volumes to me and I definitely plan to just make this a lifestyle...with a little grace, of course!

As for this week, I haven't done a single small thing. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I have even read a small thing. I really must get back on track next month. Hopefully school will be winding down soon and our schedule will calm down a bit and I can get my life organized. Hey, it's possible!

Yesterday, I sent Tigerfan and F.B. off to Texas for one final hunt before their licenses expire. Hopefully this time it won't rain the whole time! B.B. is spending the day with one of his buddies so I am hanging out with Dancer and Tigercub, doing as little school as possible and trying to convince myself I really don't want those peanut M&M's that I know are hiding in the cabinet over the fridge.

Last night I indulged myself in watching the train wreck that is the Real Housewives of New York. This season is just painful. You will really feel so much better about where you are if you watch it just one time! I really actually feel for those poor women. They need Jesus! Really, earlier this week I had a little miniature pity party about not having friends and not having family close by. Then I watch that show and I just think, thank God I have Jesus! I am so thankful for that. Really. I am so grateful to have a savior that forgives me for the times I am too quick to speak and too quick to anger. I am so glad that He doesn't hold grudges against me even when I deserve it and forgives me even when I don't. I am so glad I have a hope that this world and its trials are temporary and that I have an eternity to just sing praises to an Almighty God. I hope so much that all of you have that hope today. He loves you and desires to have a relationship with you. If you don't know Him, I hope you will seek Him out...He will meet you where you are!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to visiting around. Don't forget to go to Home Sanctuary to check out more Coffee Talk.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Coffee Talk 4.23.10

Good Morning! C'mon in and sit a minute! This should be short and sweet this morning for a variety of reasons. It is 7:10 and I have yet to get my children out of bed. Not good when my plan for school is to be done by lunch. I am also, frankly, just completely exhausted. Puppies and allergies and life have run me ragged and I am not sure I can string together many sensible sentences...I know, your questioning my ability to do that even on a good day, but today is worse. REALLY!
It has actually been a relatively calm week around here. Tigerfan got home from his hunting trip (where it rained EVERYDAY and he only got to hunt 1 day) on Sunday night. He took off on Monday so we had a light school day and enjoyed his return. The rest of the week was just the usual. I am sure there were some great stories in there. I am sure Tigercub had some antics I should share with you and journal for all posterity. But I don't remember them. Mostly, I remember blowing my nose, chasing after a two year old with a paddle, and yelling...I mean declaring that "I DON'T WANT A PUPPY"!
Today, we have a wonderful weather advisory out. I am not sure whether to dread how my oldest will hang out in the bathroom under the stairs as soon as the clouds roll in or rejoice that we will get rain that will, hopefully, wash some of this blasted pollen away. I am also waiting for a call at any minute from Tigerfan. Last night, he (who is just as scared of storms as F.B.), declared we should just leave town until Saturday evening when the storms pass. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anywhere within a decent driving distance that wasn't also going to be under severe weather advisories. He informed me this morning we may go anyway...good times. If the men had to pack the clothes, prepare the kids and figure out what to do with the animals, they wouldn't be so willing to plan last minute ventures!
Okay, time to wrap up this whine fest. B.B. just came downstairs and is hanging over the toilet. Looks like we can add either a stomach bug, or more likely, sinus crud to our list of maladies today. Good times in the Tigerden! Hope you ladies have a lovely weekend. And if we aren't blown away, I look forward to visiting you!
For more Coffee Talk, go to Home Sanctuary.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Coffee Talk 4.14.10

Good morning ladies!
I think I have just about forgotten how to has been that long. I don't have a lot to offer you right now, although there is still plenty of Easter candy left since I am not eating it...much! Things have gotten a little out of hand around here and I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. As a result, blogging has been put on the back burner. I can't even say I have missed it much because I really haven't even had time to think about it.
So what has been going on around here? Just the usual craziness. I just got inside from having my appendages stretched by an ever growing black lab puppy. I have decided this morning that I still don't really want a puppy. In fact, I would gladly share him with any of you lovely ladies that would like a very sweet but very active lab. Pair him with our other little dog and the neighbor's four dogs that run over to our yard to hang out every time any door is opened and I have pretty much had it with the canine group. I would happily send along any and all of his little friends for company if you would like!
I also spent a long time lamenting the fact that winter was hanging on and spring seemed to be hiding its face. Now, spring has sprung. And so has the pollen. And I am whiny again. This has been the hardest allergy season we have had in a long while. In fact, if we don't get some pollen relief soon, I am pretty sure I am going to have to invest in some Depends. 'Cause after having four babies...well let's just say the bladder just ain't what she used to be and these sneezing fits are causing...distress. I think you mommies understand.
On the marriage front, Tigerfan has had his first experience with kidney stones (good times!) and is now on a hunting trip in Texas leaving me home alone to deal with dogs, pollen and F.B.'s first formal dinner. I don't even know how to tie a tie. Really, he needed a break from his job that is just about to wear him out but I am still slightly bitter!
My diet is going well. I have lost almost ten pounds (ALMOST). It has really been very easy. When all you eat is fruit, veggies, and whole grains, there is really not a lot of questions about what to fix or eat. I do not really miss meat or dairy at all. So far, I feel very confident that I can maintain this long as I give myself a little grace in the chocolate and Diet Coke area. Any time I do feel a craving for something, I ask myself whether I am eating out of hunger or a need for nourishment or whether I am "self medicating" which is usually the answer. I have found that if I stop and think about it and pray for self control, I can easily resist the temptation...most of the time. I must admit that yesterday there was a little more self medicating than usual, but give me a break, we all have those days! :) And for those that asked a couple of weeks ago, yes, I am drinking plenty of water. And yes, it does help!
Okay, cranky, hungry children have now emerged and need to be separated and fed (not sure in which order yet). I guess I need to get geared up for a busy day: school, taking dishes to be used at the formal, guitar, getting F.B. ready for formal, dance and then just the usual. So to answer Rachel Anne's question: I am making it through with prayer and chocolate. What about you?
For more Coffee Talk go to Home Sanctuary.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook 4.6.10

FOR TODAY 4.5.10

Outside my window... BEAUTIFUL spring weather! Finally. We have been spending LOADS of time outside the past few days just soaking up that vitamin D!

I am thinking... about food. I started a drastic diet last week. Only I would start such a thing the week of Easter. I am now surrounded by delicious, pastel goodies that I cannot partake of. However, I am really trying to change my attitude about food and think of it less about something to indulge or reward myself with and more just about giving myself nutrients. It is really more about honoring my body as God's temple. Eventually I will probably add back in some of the goodies but for now they are VERY off limits.

I am thankful for... Spring weather. It does us all good!

From the learning rooms...Same ole, same ole. I am as filled with spring fever as the children. I think if we could all concentrate, we would do all our lessons outside right now. Instead we are just settling for outside breaks and trying to finish up as quickly as possible. It is probably a good thing we don't have this weather year round. My kids wouldn't learn anything!

From the kitchen... For the rest of the family it was left over hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage. For me, lots of mixed veggies and some salsa. I probably should have upped the carbs a little. I am starving right now but I am going to choose to go to bed and remedy that in the morning. I WILL NOT eat at 11:00 p.m.!

I am wearing...shorts and a t-shirt but I hope to be wearing my P.J.'s very soon.

I am creating... a list of good (sounding) vegetarian recipes. Time to start experimenting!

I am going... to bed ASAP!

I am reading... The book of James and Beth Moore's "So Long Insecurity"--It is taking me forever!!!

I am hoping... To see some positive results of this diet. I really hope it is worth it!

I am hearing... the sound of the T.V. I am listening to the news channel report on the mine explosion today. Praying for those families and the rescue teams.
Around the house... Sheets washed, bathrooms scrubbed, ironing and laundry done. DESPERATELY need to dust and vacuum!

One of my favorite things... Spring weather. and chocolate. I know, that is two, but I really couldn't decide!

A few plans for the rest of the week: No dance this week! Yay! Tutorial, church and choir, guitar. Hopefully a slightly less busy week.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

B.B.'s second turkey. Went hunting with his daddy and grandpa Saturday morning and brought home this prize! He was one proud hunter!

For more daybooks go to The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coffee Talk 4.2.10

Hello Ladies! Welcome to the Tigerden! I am FINALLY going to sit down and write a real, honest to goodness post. I should warn you. I haven't blogged in a while and I have got a LOT to say. I will try to edit my thoughts, but you may need a snack and an extra cup of whatever you are drinking.

I would like to offer you a lovely snack. How about a little Easter Candy. PLEASE take the candy! Because in one of my typical moments of not really thinking things through, I decided to take the plunge. I am attempting the Hallelujah diet...which is vegetarian, well, vegan, really. No meat, no dairy, no egg, no sugar, no white fun! Only I would decide I had to do this on Holy Week when my children are daily bringing home "goodies" that they have little to no interest in and yet are driving me crazy. If anyone knows a good sugar free, dairy free substitute that tastes like a Reese's Egg, please let me know!

Really, it hasn't been too bad, yet. I am drinking a lot of my green smoothies and eating a lot of salad. This weekend I hope to start finding some good recipes for the evening meal and get in a little variety. I am hoping I will stick to this and just make it my lifestyle...with a little wiggle room because I am just not willing to give up popcorn and M&M night with Tigerfan!

In other news, this little guy:

Finally has a name! The dog, not the boy...he has had a name for about 10 years now! We decided to go with Tex. He went through many names for a couple of weeks. Among them were Roman, Gumbo, and Beignet (pronounced Ben-yay for all you non-Louisianans out there). We finally settled on one that represents where he was born (Texas) and our family, my grandpa's nickname was Tex. He really is a sweet little guy, but he is a LOT of work and I am still not entirely sure I am happy about our little addition.

As for what has been going on around here, a couple of weeks ago, we made a quick trip to hubby's hometown. His sister's boss has a "camp" that he goes to hunt, etc. The house is nicer than our regular house! We spent the weekend with no cell service, no internet service and lots of together time. The weather was GORGEOUS and the kids could just run and play to their hearts' content! They could fish, ride golf carts around the property, play games, hang out! It was GREAT!

Tigerfan enjoyed the fishing...he will probably kill me for putting this on here. It seemed like a pretty big fish till we took a picture of it. However, just look at that scenery and tell me there is no God. That is what we woke up to every morning!

F.B. hung out with his cousin (in the back) and her friend. He had a great time just "hanging out" with the girls!

Dancer learned to ride a bike with no training wheels. She now rides as if she has been doing it for years!

Last weekend, we were home and had a lovely weekend enjoying the finally emerging spring weather. Friday night, we took the puppy up to the playground at our church. The kids played on the equipment and the puppy ran all over the place. The boys went hunting (youth hunt) Saturday morning and Saturday night Tigerfan and I had a date with Dancer at the Cinderella ballet. I have a couple of pictures, but F.B. left yesterday on choir tour and he hasn't loaded them for me yet...maybe you'll see them eventually.
Today, we will have a light, fun school day. We will die a few eggs and try to have a little fun. Dancer has dance and an Easter egg hunt tonight and tomorrow we have another Easter egg hunt. B.B. will be going to his buddy's farm tomorrow and Tigerfan will be hunting. I will be a hunting widow for the next few weeks until turkey season ends, which is perfectly fine with me...maybe I'll get a little blogging time!
Tigercub has hit the terrible twos in full force. He can be the sweetest, cuddliest, funniest guy one minute and a holy terror the next. I am seriously considering holing up with him until this season of life is over or until one of us just doesn't make it. I figure a two year old on a rampage and a stressed out momma with no chocolate therapy will make a pretty even match. If you stop hearing from can assume he won.
Well, I guess this post has gotten long enough. I really plan on trying to get all the way around this weekend, we'll see how that goes. However, my focus will be on Easter. Celebrating the HUGE sacrifice my savior made for me through His death on the cross and the victory He achieved through the resurrection. I would be remiss in blogging about egg hunts and parties if I didn't also stress the real reason for this holiday. I am so grateful to be a part of God's kingdom and have the assurance of my salvation. I pray that all of you also have that assurance and will be celebrating the Resurrection with me this weekend.
Don't forget to got to Home Sanctuary for more Coffee Talk.
Okay, Leaving you with one of my favorite Easter songs. May we never forget what Easter is really about.